In this post discussed how to display text, from database into HTML Region, that has more than 32000 characters length.
There were a lot of ways. I think that the decision below is the most simple and clear.
For this purpose I use owa_text.multi_line data type.
TYPE multi_line IS RECORD (
rows vc_arr,
num_rows INTEGER,
partial_row BOOLEAN);
The function below, convert clob into owa_text.multi_line data type:
create or replace function clob_to_multi_line(v_clob clob) return owa_text.multi_line is
res owa_text.multi_line;
r_cnt integer;
rem integer;
b_pos integer;
b_siz integer;
r_cnt := trunc(dbms_lob.getlength(v_clob) / 32767);
rem := mod(dbms_lob.getlength(v_clob), 32767);
b_pos := 1;
for idx in 1..r_cnt loop
b_siz := 32767;, b_siz, b_pos, res.rows(idx));
b_pos := b_pos + b_siz;
end loop;
res.num_rows := r_cnt;
if (rem > 0) then, rem, b_pos, res.rows(r_cnt + 1));
res.num_rows := res.num_rows + 1;
end if;
res.partial_row := false;
return res;
end clob_to_multi_line;
c clob;
select clob_column into c from table_of_clobs
where id=1594;
That’s it.